Adding a remote branch called staging to myapp local and remote:
cd /myapp
git branch staging (creates the local branch called staging)
git push staging:refs/remotes/origin/staging
(creates the remote branch called staging)
Fixing conflicts when merging YOUR newly updated branch to an OBSOLETE branch
git checkout YOUR_branch |
git merge -s ours obsolete_branch |
Configuring a local directory to a remote github repo by the same name
1. cd into the local directory
cd mydir |
2. Initialize the parent directory as a local git repository
git init |
3. Configure directory references to the remote git server
git remote add origin |
mydir – Needs to be replaced with the actual directory and/or repository name.
Using GIT to Install a Directory
Git does not know about files or directories, only commit ids and branches. Thus, create a branch whose sole purpose is to house the directory or file you want. In this example, install the ‘scripts’ directory to /usr/local on a generic server.
1. cd to the parent directory for the directory to be installed
cd /usr/local |
2. Initialize the parent directory as a local git repository
git init |
3. Pull the scripts directory references from the remote git server (unixteam repository on
git pull scripts:refs/remotes/origin/scripts |
script – Needs to be replaced with the actual repository name.
1. After git checkout of the branch, changes made, run git add, git commit (examples further down), push in dry mode
git push –dry-run |
error: failed to push some refs to ‘’
To prevent you from losing history, non-fast-forward updates were rejected
Merge the remote changes (e.g. ‘git pull’) before pushing again. See the
‘Note about fast-forwards’ section of ‘git push –help’ for details.
This error means newer changes are in the remote branch. Run:
git pull |
If you are unsure of the changes in the remote branch and worried they will over-write your changes; copy your changed files to a separate directory (outside of the repo path) before running git pull. After you’ve copied the changed files back into your local path, run git add and git commit before trying to push again.
Using GIT to Update an Existing Directory
Similar to installing a new directory, except use ‘git checkout branchname‘ instead of ‘git init’ to preserve data
cd /usr/local git checkout scripts git pull scripts:refs/remotes/origin/scripts |
GIT Setup For Developers & Vendors
For these examples, we will work with the EF-Magento repository. Initialize a local repository.
Configure a remote repository, defining a remote master called ‘newbie’, have it track ‘staging’ branch.
mkdir /tmp/newbie
cd /tmp/newbie git init git remote add -t staging -m newbie origin ssh:// |
Pull GIT ‘staging’ branch:
git pull |
create a new branch and switch to it (in this case, newbie):
git checkout -b newbie |
Add the files you pulled from staging to your local newbie branch
git add . |
Commit files pulled (may claim nothing to commit, but still required):
git commit -m “Newbie Branch” |
Do not merge. Just push local ‘origin’ to local ‘newbie’ branch
git push origin newbie |
The master branch may change during the
day or days of editing the ‘newbie’ branch. To update local ‘newbie’ branch with the newest changes from the
‘master’ that came while working on newbie, but also to preserve all
the changes made to ‘newbie’; do this while still in ‘newbie’ branch:
git rebase master |
Create a remote branch named myvendor using staging as the reference
git push origin staging:refs / heads / myvendor |
So, the previous command makes only a little sense: push a local
branch without reference to the remote branch’s origin, thus the branch is deleted from the remote repository. To delete the local version of the ‘newbie’ branch:
Functional branches each act as their own repository. Though primarily useful for keeping contributors’ sources separate until ready to merge; a generous use of branching in a single repository can also help reduce costs while also reducing headaches associated with managing multiple repositories.
As an example, unixteam utilizes many independent branches that are never merged, under one repository called ‘unixteam’. Each branch manages different files, many share the same name but have different content as found in their branch counter-parts. To manage how the branches are merged, sources and push destinations, git uses a config file.
Though there are git commands to set the environment configuration, it is usually easier to copy/paste a branch section of an existing (working) config to a new section of the same config, changing the local and remote names, as needed.
cd /unixteam |
cat .git/config [core]
repositoryformatversion = 0 filemode = true bare = false logallrefupdates = true [remote “origin”] fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/* url = [branch “master”] remote = origin merge = refs/heads/master [branch “prod”] remote = origin merge = refs/heads/prod [branch “dev”] remote = origin merge = refs/heads/dev[branch “scripts”] remote = origin merge = refs/heads/scripts [branch “db”] remote = origin merge = refs/heads/db |
Copy, paste and edit sections from the example above if you do not have a good config to sample on your local machine.
Remove the existing local repo and all branches and clone (this may be overkill, see git rebase below):
rm -rf BC-SERVICEgit clone |
change directory to the new local home:
change to using a branch, below uses the newbie branch:
git checkout -b newbie |
optionally, verify an asterisk is next to your branch:
git branch -a |
optionally, instead deleting and cloning above, start from cd
EF-Magento, checkout the existing branch, then ‘re-clone’ the branch
while preserving recent changes (it works!):
git rebase master |
copy in your changes to the correct path under trunk:
cp /path_to_new_files /full_path_under_trunk/ |
see if local changes are noticed by git — don’t panic if this step yields nothing:
git diff –name-only |
while still in git home MY-Product, git add the files you just copied:
git add . |
commit the files to the local repo. comments are required.
git commit -m “Updates for 12-02-2011 (file1.phtml, etc)” |
merge the local repo with the local origin
git merge origin/newbie |
ready to push to the remote master — because you are still in newbie branch, that’s where it goes:
git push |
THAT’S IT! To see
the differences between the merged (local) newbie branch and the
(local) master, this command yields the diffs until newbie is merged
with master:
git diff –name-only master newbie –OR — git diff –summary master newbie |
Resolve merge conflicts by keeping YOUR changes
Fetch a branch (called staging) from My-Repo without cloning entire repository
mkdir staging |
cd staging |
git init Initialized empty Git repository in /staging/.git/ |
git fetch staging:refs/remotes/origin/stagingremote: Counting objects: 19177, done.remote: Compressing objects: 100% (9896/9896), done. |
remote: Total 19177 (delta 7038), reused 18988 (delta
Receiving objects: 100% (19177/19177), 66.33 MiB | 8.94 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (7038/7038), done.
* [new branch] staging -> origin/staging
Start tracking a local branch (i.e. not from a clone) to fix push error
git push origin origin:refs/heads/newbie |
error: src refspec origin does not match any.
error: failed to push some refs to ‘‘
1) Switch to the new branch (called staging), then use “–set-upstream” option to push:
git checkout staging |
git push –set-upstream origin staging Counting objects: 192, done. Compressing objects: 100% (72/72), done. Writing objects: 100% (100/100), 76.71 KiB, done. Total 100 (delta 17), reused 83 (delta 10) To 7473bf3..d97efcd staging -> staging Branch staging set up to track remote branch staging from origin. |
Reset a commit
1) Undo and remove history of the most recent commit:
git reset HEAD^ |
git push –force |
Revert a commit
1) Undo the commit (keep history) and push the fixed branch to remote:
git revert HEAD |
git push |
Recover/Un-Revert/Re-do a previous commit
1) Find the commit number in github.
2) Clone the current database, then ‘cherry-pick’ the commit
you found in step 1:
git clone cherry-pick c85b54b6b3f6c3223ea3653faf980bb9f6a7e310 |
Files are now updated on your local system.
3) To see the diff, rename the cherry-picked clone and
create a new clone and diff on your local system:
mv MY-Product MY-CHERRY-PICKgit clone diff –name-only MY-PRODUCT/ MY-CHERRY-PICK/ |
4) To update remote, cd into the cherry-picked directory, and
commit/push back to github
cd MY-CHERRY-PICKgit push |